May 08, 2005 23:07
Wow, today was my first whole day as a college graduate. I don't think it has completely hit me, and I don't think it will until August rolls around and I will not be returning to Ferris with Jeremy. Speaking of which, I miss him terribly! The first night without him was trecherous, I haven't slept by myself since we got back from spring break, not to mention in my own room (except sundays when I was on duty), so that first night of me sleeping in my own room without the boy was really hard.
I just bought a couple of his birthday presents on e-bay... i'm actually getting my shopping done early... lets just hope that he doesn't feel compelled to go out and buy the things that I just got between now and then.
Had family over today to celebrate both mom's day and my grad. Made some cash, and my uncle brought me an entire case... yes case... of goldfish crackers!! SWEET!!! Gotta love those goldfish.
I get to go to the dentist again... to get impressions again... hopefully they'll turn out this time. Then I'll get my bite guard in about two weeks. yay bite guard.. I'll be looking real dorky with that in at night.