Finally-it's raining

Mar 23, 2005 07:50

You know what they say about April showers-well personally, I enjoy April showers-or any other kind of inclimite weather. The almanac says April is suppose to be full of dastardly surprises from Mother Nature. I say bring it on! I for one, am quite excited about it.

I woke up this morning feeling rather ill. Ill at ease. Not really sure why-but it ended up with Will being pissed at me. I forget that i am not suppose to be human when I am around him, at least when it comes to sharing my feelings about things. I am not suppose to have a bad day, or be in a bad mood. I am suppose to just be happy me. Of course, when he's in a bad mood I am suppose to understand. I don't know as if this is something Iwant to live with for the rest of my life. I can't help the feelings I have sometimes. They are just there-and now I feel bad for having them and it pisses ME off. A part of me wants to tell him to just fuck off. Another part of me just doesn't feel anything at all. I hate that emptiness inside of me.
Another day.
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