Today was an absolutely wonderful day. I had the day off from work. Started out by sleeping in-until about 9:30-ish. Finally rolled out of bed because the damned cats started acting up (reminds self to lock kitties downstairs on days off). Made some coffee, did the dishes in the sink (cannot stand dirty dishes). Came downstairs, drank coffee and watched the Golden Girls (because they molded Sophia's role after yours truly) and then tossed some laundry in. Took a shower, and sat down to check my e-mail. Then checked my auctions (going rather slow , which is typical after Xmas-who has money after X-mas??). Called the A&P/SuperFresh corporate office and bitched until the woman on the other end agreed that if I sent her an estimate they would repair the dents that the runaway cart did to my car AS I WAS DRIVING THROUGH THE ACCESS ROAD IN FRONT OF THEIR STORE (mind you, I realize shit happens but I wasn't even going to their store, I was passing through to get to the Hallmark store which is located in the same mall). I felt accomplished after that. Then basically, with the exception of writing a letter (which when I went to print it, decided not to print all the way) and finishing laundry-I did abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING!
Oh-I did entertain myself a while. Put a Bowie CD in the computer, played it on Windows Media Player. They have these neat little skins which contain swirly's and stuff as the music plays. I found myself watching them for about 1/2 hour-cheap entertainment. And I wonder why people feel the need to do drugs? one could save sooo much money if they just watched their computer once in a while.
Got an e-mail from my dearest friend, Seb and was elated to see that he'd written me. Always a pleasure hearing from him because he never ceases to put a smile on my face. *caution-wide load* (wink, wink) <-----I know he's reading this!
Anyway, so now it's a little after 10 p.m. and I am getting ready for bed. I have to work tomorrow. The dream is gone. My beautiful day of absolutely nothing to do has come to an end. (gives truth to they adage "all good things must come to an end")
So good night my darlings-(usually pertaining to the voices in my head because no one bothers to read this shit).