Jun 28, 2006 18:38
Holy crap, its been a while.
work is good. (nothing else to say)
I saw that flick Nacho Libre the other day with this girl. Hilarious flick folks! Check it out, but it is a little different.
I think im going to charleston again this weekend.
How is it the 4th of july already?
I'm having a hard time being creative. My mind is so tired or burnt out at the end of the day, that its difficult to focus on a sketch or project. I will figure out how to deal with this though. I am getting a lot material from work and I cant let it go to waste. lol
I think im addicted to suduko. (2 years late i know) but they are a lot of fun. I do a bunch before i got to bed at night.
the only beef i have with work is that they make you do things on your lunch break. they have 'lunch and learns' or 'seminars' or 'clubs' that your expected to attend. I dont think so, lunch hour, in my mind, is time to get the freak way from work and regroup before the long haul till quitting time. So this manditory 'Hang out at work' stuff is getting on my nerves. I skipped it today.
man, i never stay after work. its 645, i've almost been here for 12 hours.
I"m out to play some putt-putt.