W-w-w-warning, Spoilers ahead.
First of all, I'm a superhero at work. I wield both gun and blade. Albeit a PDT scanner thing and a box cutter, a superhero I am nonetheless.
Compared to anything, this shall be your greatest read. Ever read Harry Potter? Harry Potter is a butter knife compared to this steak knife of an entry. And that's saying something, cuz I'm an avid (hold on, I'm dictionary.com'ing "avid" ... aha! I knew it. I knew I heard "avid fan" before...) fan of Harry Potter. Hmm, no, nevermind, this won't be as good as Harry Potter. Harry Potter is good. The last one I read was the IV one, and I SWEAR, after I finished it, I thought I felt Lord Vol-- oops almost caught me... We must not speak his name. But Hermione said "fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." I even looked it up look see:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0295297/quotes Hmm, internal conflict.
Anyway, second to Harry Potter, (thanks J.K. Rowling. ::wink::) this will be good. Well not really but let's move along move along just to make it through. I'm not a big fan of the All-American Rejects. That one song "Swing, swing, let us go to the playground to swing on a swing, and if we have the balls, we can do that thing where we dismount off of the swing by doing a backflip, but I might chicken out at the last minute, I mean seriously, what if I fall the wrong way, I might hurt my neck, or at least get my new jacket dirty" was catchy, but not enough for me to downl-- I mean buy the CD.
I am writing an entry to address Final Fantasy XII. I received Final Fantasy XII on October 31, 2006, via my brother, and I defeated it... conquered... no, defeated it on December 5, 2006. About 64 hours of gameplay. But I gotta say, something was missing. It felt... empty. Hmm.
Perhaps it has something to do with the music. Someone should do a science experiment on it, hmm nope said that stupidity already. Cuz like watch, I'm a huge fan of Nobuo Uematsu, and I know he did a bunch of the Final Fantasy games. It's a like, carazy good. It's like, I listen to it, and I'm like "keewwll." As of exactly right now, I'm under the impression that most of the music stuff from Final Fantasy XII was from some other composer, and a few things from Nobuo Uematsu. Although I liked the theme to "Lowtown." This is one theory. Is it correct? I know not.
A cool thing from the game: The battle system is "new and improved." After playing KH2 (this, and heretoforth, shall stand for the Playstation 2 game, "Kingdom" "Hearts" "II"), I grew accustomed to and/or fond of the new battle system, because every time it doesn't go "grsssssshhhhh da da da da de de da da da de da" and the same battle tune comes on. Get me wrong not, I like the Final Fantasy style, but after a while from playing the game, it gets a little tedious. So the battle system of FFXII (ooh I can abbreviate that one too) is new and different, so that was cool.
The people at Square-Enix worked really hard, oh, I can tell. They created a HUGE world for the game. The FMV's are keewwll and whatnot, but I think the biggest element I can attribute to my disappointment is... "lack of character development." I'm not even sure if I know what I'm talking about, but let's look into it, why don't we? No reason not to, so let's go.
First, let's look back on a boxer brief history of my experience with Final Fantasy. VII: There's Cloud, who's initially indifferent about the world's status, cares mostly about himself, self pride and whatsnot. Tifa who cares for Cloud, who's buddy buddy with Barret, who's part of this group called Avalanche who are trying to fight Shinra cuz they're taking from the planet. There's Aeris who's the last Ancient, or Cetra. Red XIII, Cid, Yuffie, Vincent, the Turks, Sephiroth, I don't know about you all, but I think they were all connected, somehow. The storyline was awesome. VIII: The SeeDs and Garden, Rinoa and Timber, Sorceresses, etc etc... I think it was all developed in a "cool-style" way. I haven't played IX in a while, but I know I didn't feel disappointed, and I really liked X too. Hmm. Erm. Hrmm.
Mainly, I liked how I felt that the characters had a reason to move forward. For FFXII, I didn't feel it. Vaan wants to get out of his little town, explore the world, experience some adventures, become a sky pirate, just be free. Penelo is Vaan's good friend, although she probably has a crush on Vaan, probably. Balthier is a sky pirate, Fran is his partner. They kind of just pop out of nowhere. Get me wrong not again, each individual character is kind of cool in his/her own right, but I felt there was lack of unity, lack of motive. Basch was betrayed, branded as a traitor, and supposedly killed for his mutinous acts. Ashe is a Princess who's recent husband was killed, and she was rumored to have killed herself, although she lives.
The enemy is the empire, and yes, everyone has a personal v for vendetta against it, and that perhaps ties the characters together, but I don't feel the connection was strong enough. I just feel like "here are your 6 characters, they are cool, they are together, move them forward." But I just felt like... it was "here they are, that's it." "Here we are, let's go." The end of the game came and I was like "hmm. erm. hrmm."
There's always a main character, e.g. Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Tidus, never played XI. Perhaps they attempted to move away from that concept. Vaan was the implied main character. Balthier was the "leading man" although that was probably meant to be humorous. Ashe definitely had a leading role. My favorite character would probably be Basch, since he seemed like a badash, mostly because of a short cut scene where this dood "Reddas" tried to attack him because he thought he was one of Doctor Cid's minions, so Reddas was all like "here I come guys, haaaya!" and Basch was like "woosh" and Reddas missed hitting his feet, and then he tried attacking him head on and Basch was like "I don't think so mutha f--" and he raised his arm and blocked Reddas' blades with his metal bracelets or gauntlets or something like that.
So, I just wanted to share that with you all, with you, all. Speaking of which, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was a very cool game. I want to play a cool Zelda game. Twilight Princess? But a Wii I have not. A PS3 I have not.
I'm not a nerd I just crush a lot. Hmm, no?
Fine I'm a nerd, what of it?