This is my nephew. His name is Emmanuel John Davis Aggabao, but is most commonly referred to as "Junior." He was born October 13, 2003. He was last seen on January 1, 2006. I guess I'm talking to mostly people from Riverside County, or the "Inland Empire," or whatever. There's a ton of details involved...
He was taken by his mother and some guy named Emilio (that I believe she met in her drug rehabilitation program). I don't know everything exactly, but it seems to be generally believed that they are BOTH running from the cops right now. I'M thinking, that they don't have a large abundance of money, so I'm not sure, but... I mean, if they're both running from the cops, would they hide or would they run?
I know this is totally weird, me saying all this, on here, on livejournal, but we have limited options. My brother is doing what he can, but you know what, I don't think ANYONE he's contacted is lifting a FINGER to help him. We're all frustrated and saddened and we just want the kid back. Is this weird? Is this so stupid that I'm saying all this?
Ryan, keep this on the dl for now, my bro doesn't even know I'm posting this... We wouldn't want to worry our family on the other side of the country, so please don't tell anyone...
This isn't the first time this has happened, she took him for at least 3 weeks last summer, but this time it's even longer. It's been more than a month since he's been gone. I have no idea if she's running or hiding, but who knows, maybe she's in the area and one of you may spot him. Or her.
That's probably not a picture of good quality but whatever. She's really ugly and disgusting and stupid.
She used to be in Hemet, but ever since she started the drug rehabilitation program, I think she might've been in Riverside... Hmm, I'm not sure. She was staying with this foster parent guy in Bellflower for a while too. Gosh, you know what, we don't know what else to do. My brother's a mess and he's trying whatever possible. I just wish people weren't such douchefaces and weren't so inclined to do NOTHING to help us.
My brother has full custody of Junior, with good reason too. He finished college at Bryman a while ago and has been working at Panda Express, and is now Assistant Manager. He has no record of being in prison. She has been in prison multiple times for multiple reasons, some of which include credit card theft and drug possession. Gosh goodness gosh, whatever whatever whatever, just... Hmm...
All I'm saying is... If you see/hear/find anything. Let us know.