Tue, 20:38: RT @ hmnunn: Calling a 15 or 20 week abortion “late term” is another way for anti-abortion people to scare the uninformed and shame pregnant…
Tue, 20:39: RT @ cemerick: "Companies always have enough for big anti-labor law firms, lobbyists, private 'security', and even big payouts to scabs, but…
Tue, 20:42: RT @ owillis: today would be a good day for all democrats in congress to release statements slamming the gop's proposed national abortion ba…
Tue, 20:56: RT @ chrisfholm: Omicron variants account for 90% of all COVID infections nationwide. The new bivalent vaccine protects against them, as wel…
Tue, 21:22: RT @ neutruel: Woke up into a bad situation today..A mishap with my student loans has drained my account, and now I need to come up with $30…
Tue, 21:27: RT @ EmbryEthan: All of this is directly tied to the residents of Jackson not having safe drinking water for months.
Tue, 21:28: RT @ thewarmvoid: I must share this with you all because it made me cry. Accessible flirting/courting/dating is so dear to my deeply romanti…