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Oatmeal I went back to bed for most of the day. Amazingly, my mom did not call until I woke up. Then she dished the guilt because I didn't come by. Le Sigh. Oh well.
And Critter? Honey, if you leave your toys in the sheets, there is a high probability that they will end up in the washing machine. And while I believe they are water resistant.. they are not made to withstand tumbling in a front loader. =P You got lucky this time- I heard something go "clunk" when I loaded the machine and investigated. Next time you might not get so lucky.
Tomorrow, I need to detail the truck, see mom, mow the lawn (if it isn't raining) and start my paperwork for next week.
Some jerk tapped the truck, too- there's not much damage, but that's not the point. I was so annoyed. I can fix it tho. I need to sell that bitch so I can get my bankruptcy filed. And pay Dawn back for the last bit of my divorce. Sad that the truck represents fixing the prius,and paying 2 bills, and that's it. I sure did love that truck. Won't be too sad to see it gone, though- one less thing to remind me of G. I can deal with the usual-type memories, but driving the truck brings up memories of road trips and such. Better to let sleeping dogs lie.
And sell the impetus for such things coming to the fore.