You Are Pears
You have sophisticated tasted in food, and more than anything, you really like to go for high quality ingredients.
You understand that a perfectly grown and ripened pear is a beautiful thing... and really quite underrated.
You prefer to eat minimally prepared food. You think complexity often just hides poor quality ingredients.
In your mind, there's little better than an expertly poached pear, or pear served with a fine cheese.
What Fall Fruit or Vegetable Are You Most Like? Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings! When one person spends an unnatural amount of time and goes out of her way to harass the other person and gets her friends to harass the other person (I see you, Erika- LJ Toys is your friend, remember?) until she tries to hide completely? Methinks the "lady" doth protest too much.
I don't know why you keep coming to this entry. There's nothing new in it and no new comments. G. is my EX-husband and is NOT a part of my life, nor do I spend time thinking about him or you people. But I do check my hit counter to see what unwanted persons are still dropping by my journal when I have nothing to do with your life (or G.'s). You have issues. Grow up.
...but then, my ex is your new "cause," so I don't expect that to happen anytime soon. Like attracts like, scum seeks scum- if he won't grow up, why would I expect those he seeks out to be any different?