I was taking photos last week and when I turned around I saw 4 pairs of eyes ^^
Telly (Chantilly), my one-off Aya with my darling panther baby boy Niko (Nikolai). Niko is my first cat, and for being a Halloween kitty, his birthday happens to be on December 25th. ^^ He's 5 years old this year, and is mostly black except for a few random white patches. He's moody and temperamental and selfish and utterly spoiled and ugh, how we all just adore him :)
Telly usually has green eyes too, but I changed them recently. It's hard to find good eyes for her that are big enough but not too big and don't make her googly. >> I go back and forth on wanting to get her repainted because while she has a beautiful one-off faceup, it's not exactly what I wanted originally for Telly. We'll see.