4:30 am Friday November 4, 2005
I woke up to the shrill of what I thought was an alarm clock going off. I get up and see my roommate standing by the door. All of a sudden, she says, "You guys, this is a real fire drill." and then some crazy girl running around the halls knocking on everyones doors is yelling, "Everyone get out this is a real fire drill!" At this point, I'm just running on really low sleep seeing as how I didn't get to bed until 4:00 am or so and I had two midterms in a couple of hours, so I am thoroughly annoyed. Everyone is yelling at me to hurry up, but I just take my time and make sure I grab a sweater because it was freaking cold outside. I value my life highly as you can probably tell. During the whole fiasco, all I kept regretting is that I didn't bring out my camera to document this historical event in my life.
This is where the fire actually took place and you know, stuff got burned like trash and mini refridgerators.
And this is the fridge that fire helped build, oh yeah.
and just because I think it's super cool and awesome, a picture of the fort we built in our room.