Dec 06, 2012 12:52

First off, THANK YOU ALL for birthday wishes. Y'all are the most important part of my life and I love each and every one of you.

Now, about that 49. I'm a square! Hee! And a very good square. We all know tales about the seventh son (*cough*) of the seventh son (*cough*) (let's just consider that updated, shall we?). Okay, I'm not a seventh of two generations, but seven sevens are a magic number indeed.

Another bit of magic: I am now officially a Crone. I haven't had a period in at least a year. I've been Crone-aspected as long as I can remember, and Grandmother is of course the greatest of all Crones, but I've now come into my ascendancy. Stand back and respect, y'all, because now I can truly bring it on.

Other than that... things are not quite thingy. I don't know what that means, but that's what's in my mind and spirit for the past couple of days. It's one of those "something's trying to tell me somebody" feelings in my bones. I don't know if it's a birthday thing, a December thing, an age thing, a Crone thing, a looking-back thing or some other thing I'm not aware of... but things are not quite thingy.

Anyway, there you go. Keep buggering on.

This entry was originally posted at http://spiderine.dreamwidth.org/551833.html. There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment there.

religious, happy birthday, i have no brain for this

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