New toy!

Jul 17, 2012 12:19

I have a new love in my life. Her name is Natasha. She's black and sleek and quick as thought.

She's a Dell laptop DUH. :P She is the replacement for Impala the laptop, whose CPU fried like an egg on a hot asphalt road. Natasha's CPU kicks cybernetic arse and she has the new Windows 7 bells and whistles. Oh woo hoo Microsoft blah blah blah. I'm still the only icky Windows person in a Mac household, but since a Mac would be at least three times the price I paid for Natasha, I really don't give a blue bloody damn.

I sold my harp, Belili, my constant companion for more than 10 years. Bluntly, I needed the money. I had planned to sell her anyway to pay expenses, but then Impala died and *shrug*, an arachnid's gotta do what an arachnid's gotta do. Fortunately, Belili has gone to a loving home to people in my social circle who I know are cool, and I only had to spend half the price I got for her to buy Natasha. (The buyer is sending me the rest in monthly installments.)

The MOMENT the buyer left I was at Boy to drive me to Best Buy. *snicker* When we got back in the car I literally hugged her and fondled her all the way home. Boy, as always, was very indulgent. I asked him if he'd ever been so ecstatic about a new computer. He said, "Um, no."

Boy is a very laid-back kinda guy. Don't worry, baby, I still love you best.

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zombie laptop, impala the laptop, natasha the laptop, awesome boy is awesome

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