Blah blah blah again.

Feb 09, 2012 11:55

Yeah yeah, I haven't posted in FOREVER (in LJ/DW time, which equals a week or so in RL time) and haven't posted anything more than a brief "I ain't dead" announcement in even longer. Simply, I just haven't wanted to post, haven't wanted to share all my FEELINGS, HOPES AND DREAMS blah blah or WHAT I'VE BEEN UP TO blah blah or whatever. Just not feelin' it.

So hmmm, let's see...

I've started actively looking for a job again, which means ripping all the calluses off my thick skin regarding rejection, angst, depression, blah blah blah. It's all fresh and I spend a lot of time woe-is-me'ing about how nobody will ever hire me and all I need is one frakkin' break. But at the same time I'm unwilling to get out of the frakkin' house and "pound" the pavement". The good old depression-induced "why bother?" paralysis and procrastination rears its ugly head. I need to wind the gumption spring and get the motivation engine up and running again. It doesn't help that I have to ration my T-fare very carefully and prioritize my travel.

So yeah, back to the money issues blah blah blah. I have an idea for training I want to get to help me launch a new career, but training courses take money, which I don't have because I don't have a job, around and around blah blah blah.

Meanwhile, I haven't been actively working with Occupy very much for a few reasons that need not be explored at this juncture, but I've been keeping my rabble-rousing cred up by volunteering at the Lucy Parsons Center. I am a few shifts away from being eligible to "join the collective".

... but if you wanna hang out and help, that's cool.

*cough* I'm also hoping that volunteer work at the store will give me "retail experience" on my resume, and the volunteer work I'm still doing with the NLG will count as legal experience. Woo hoo!

On the other hand, it's possible such radical political work will actually prove a detriment to my job search, if people actually take the time to explore what Lucy Parsons and the NLG actually do. Of course, one's political beliefs should not be relevant to one's employability, but let's be realistic. Say you're a law firm or such, you've gotten dozens of applications for an open position and you're deciding who to call in for an interview. One applicant is a person whose latest work experience is with extremely radical left-wing political entities -- in other words, someone who knows their rights and isn't afraid use them. Do you really want to get into that potential tangle? Or would you rather work with one of the many other people who'll accept the status quo and not make waves?

IN THE MEANTIME, I'm knitting a hell of a lot. LOL. I'm running out of the yarn for two of the three projects I'm working on. So what do I do? Start surfing Ravelry for the suitable yarn and pattern that I'll need for a fourth project that's part of a cosplay that I won't need ready until next Arisia. OF COURSE!

I've also been hit with a plot bunny brick for an absolutely brilliant fic that I'll never write because it's so complex that it'll need outlines and all that kinds of prep that I'm lousy at.

Plus, Impala the laptop is still borked because the repair I did on it did not work, so I'm still using Squirrel. And now my iNOTPhone won't connect to the wifi. Argh.

But I'm an awesome cook. And Boy is an awesome eater and dish washer.

So that's the state of the Arachnid. "And now time for the weather. Tiffany?"

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blah blah blah

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