Jan 12, 2012 20:50

Slowly start browning chopped onions in lots of olive oil in a BIG HEAVY skillet or equivalent pot. (I used enameled cast iron; I wouldn't use plain cast iron for this.) When they start browning, add about a teaspoon of flour and start making roux in with the onions. It's not a thick roux, but carry on. Add about 2-3 cups of veggie stock, depending on how saucy you want it to end up. I used 2 cups and it ended up dryer than I wanted. Get that stirred and simmering, then add 2 drained cans of chickpeas. Salt, pepper, oregano, rosemary.

Get some spinach. Either fresh or frozen-nuked-drainedREALLYWELL. Throw it in with everything else. (Yes,
copperbadge, you can leave out the spinach. Sigh.) This is when I wished I had more veggie stock in there because it started to look a bit dryer than I'd wanted. Oh well, carry on. Take juice of a lemon in a little bowl, whisk a bit more flour into it until you get a thin slurry, Spoon some of the hot liquid into the slurry and stir, then it all goes back in the pot. Stir and cook for about 5 more minutes. Take it off the heat. In that little bowl, put a couple of tablespoons of yogurt or sour cream, stir in a bit of hot liquid so it doesn't curdle, then when it's thin, stir it into the main dish. It won't be very creamy, but with the roux etc it give the sauce more body.

Serve over rice to Boy. Watch Boy devour. Watch Boy look up and say, "It's Chanakopita!"

So be it.

This entry was originally posted at http://spiderine.dreamwidth.org/522808.html. There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment there.

awesome boy is awesome, i am awesome, cooking

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