I'M NOT IN JAIL. WHOODA THUNK IT? Hell, that certainly didn't go how anyone expected it to! LOL
I'll give you the whole story in the morning. This is just a short update to let you know I'm home, I'm well and safe, and I'm STARVING. I was ready to party all night, but Boy looked so sad and cold. At first I was all, "Do what you have to do, baby. I'm dancing until dawn!" and skipped off to join the HUGE street party that had erupted to take over Atlantic Avenue. But a few minutes later I kept seeing his sad woobie face in my mind so I caught up with him and we went home together.
I am so fuckin' besotted it's ridiculous.
The moment we got into the house the adrenaline rush wore off and I was "Wow, was it really that cold out? Suddenly I'm freezing! And I ache all over, and I'm exhausted... but I'm also wide awake and starving! CONFOOZED ARACHNID IS CONFOOZED!" So now I'm having a beer and some bread and cheese and then I'll join my snoring Boy and a bunch of random cats in a warm comfy bed.
And tomorrow I get to do it all over again! Wheeee!
This entry was originally posted at
http://spiderine.dreamwidth.org/514939.html. There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment