Need, want, hope

Nov 25, 2011 21:20

Just in case you think I have any shame whatsoever, let me assure you I don't.

My birthday is in a bit over a week. December 4, to be exact. If you're at all interested in what that fact implies, there's something I need; something I want; and something I hope.

I need: Once again, my friends, it's time for me to pass the hat for my December transit pass and other expenses that let me continue working with Occupy Boston. You've all been incredibly kind and generous to keep me going this long. I completely understand if you have nothing left to spare, especially as we enter a time of year when obligations to travel, entertain and give gifts require us to stretch our meager budgets more than usual.

I want: Yarn. To be specific, 100% wool superwash worsted or DK. As I spend my time on site knitting, my fellow occupiers see me and beg me to make them fingerless mitts so they can continue working through the cold. So that's what I'm doing, and wool is better for keeping warm than acrylic. Any color is cool, but black is best -- and not just for the reason you're thinking LOL! I want to knit balaclavas for my darling Black Bloc boys because bandannas are simply not going to keep their faces warm enough. So it's black mitts and balaclavas for them, and any other color available for everyone else.

Of course, I'm more than happy to take money in lieu and buy the yarn myself. As I said, no shame whatsoever.

So once again, I beg you to please support your local rabble-rouser, and I'll do my part to give you updates and opinions from what we're starting to call Valley Forge 2011.

Even more important than that, though, there's something I hope. I hope you'll donate warm things to your local Occupiers. If you knit, please knit gloves or fingerless mitts; people donate plenty of hats and scarves, but gloves are hard to come by, and mittens don't do very well for people who work with their hands outside all day. Superwash wool is better than acrylic, but they'll be grateful for anything you can give. If you have clothes to donate, please consider a focus on men's clothes; for some reason, more people seem to donate women's clothes. Socks and underwear are always needed and usually not donated -- just go to your local dollar store and buy packs of tube socks and underwear for both men and women. And of course, blankets, sleeping bags, space blankets, tarps, rugs -- anything you can think of that will keep people warm and dry.

A lot of people ask me how to send me stuff to bring to the Boston site, which is very kind, but no matter where you live, I bet there's an occupation closer to you than you think. They're the ones who need your support.

In other words, if you really want to give me the most wonderful birthday/other-december-holiday gift possible, give your time and hearts to your local Occupiers. But if you'd rather, I'd be glad to let you support me instead. Hey, I'm not proud.

This entry was originally posted at There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment there.

no shame whatsoever, occupy boston

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