In case y'all haven't heard, Occupy Wall Street was "evicted" last night. At 3 in the morning. NYPD pepper sprayed the kitchen, threw 5000 donated books (the occupy library tent) into a dumpster, and dumped all the personal belongings into garbage trucks. The city closed down the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges and the downtown subways so nobody could escape, had police copters circling the area with search lights, completely shut out all media including news copters, beat and arrested a NYC councilmember and several reporters, and many people were hospitalized for injuries sustained during arrests.
More than 10,000 people around the world watched live feeds of the proceedings. Millions followed live twitter feeds. The only major news coverage was from the Guardian UK and Al-Jazeera.
On the good news side of things, the temporary injunction/order to show cause allowing the protesters to return -- with tents! -- is already issued. The NLG has decades of experience supporting and defending protesters. Every legal team in an occupy group has such court papers already written up, ready to fill in the details and file. We also have sympathetic judges who are willing to be woken up at 4 in the morning. THIS IS YOUR NLG ON THE CASE! *terrorist fist bump*
Bloomberg's response? He's closing the park. *snort* As if that'll change everything. The moment the OWS occupiers were forced away from the camp they convened at Foley Square, where the rally was continuing last I knew (I'm still catching up).
For the people who don't know, Foley Square is the location of City Hall, One Police Plaza, the Manhattan Municipal Building, the Federal Building, other courthouses and so on. If Wall Street is shorthand for Corporate Evil, Foley Square is shorthand for Police State Evil, so to speak.
In Occupy Boston, Russell Simmons (I'm an old white woman so I didn't know who he is, but the infinite wisdom of the Web says he's the co-founder of Def Jam, multi-millionaire, activist) is going to be on site at noon to deliver what he says is "a document written by an undisclosed member of congress".
There is also a rally at 4pm and a march at 5pm.
There are also going to be support rallies and marches all day all over the world.
I was up half the night following this. I need coffee before I check more current reports. And then it's a las barricadas for me, because who the fuck knows what the fuck else is going to happen today, but it sure won't be a teddy bears' picnic.
There was a mainstream media blackout all night, so don't trust them. For the real deal, follow #ows and #occupyboston on Twitter. And me, of course. Heh. I'll post and twitter as much as I can, and try to get to South Station free wifi to give more updates.
I'm not asking anyone to come to the Boston march because I can't promise things won't get ugly. But the rally before hand at 4pm will be perfectly safe and I urge you -- if you have time, come by. You don't have to participate, just be there to show support. This is your country, people. This is when we need you, and you need us. Wake the fuck up.
This entry was originally posted at There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment