A whole new world...

Aug 29, 2011 13:54

I am slowly settling in at Summanulla, hacking out a bit of space for myself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually... I still occasionally think, "When I get home I'll..." and then stop myself because OMG I LIVE HERE NOW.

Faithful readers of this journal (*snort*) know that I'm a hermit who needs a shitload of time and space to myself (mentally, physically, etc. etc.). I swear I can feel the energy of other people in the house, even when we're separated by closed doors and a flight of stairs, and it still makes me uncomfortable. I still feel I can only relax when I'm the only person in the house, which rarely happens.

Or in the middle of the night. Since I have more than a bit of insomnia these days, I often wake up at two or three in the morning and putter around for an hour or two while everyone else is asleep. (That sounds as if there are, like, half a dozen people here, but there is only Boy and the Mad Engineer. Still enough to make me feel claustrophobic and more than a bit trapped.) One of the ways I'm adding my own energy to Summanulla is to learn its energy. For example, I am learning to navigate it in the dark. I'm learning the shape of the energy of the things in this house. Like, I dunno... Matt Murdock as Daredevil? Also memorizing things like that there are 13 steps on the flight from the first floor to the second (also from the first floor down to the basement). Does this make any sense? Does it matter whether it does? I think not.

Anyway, Boy is having me do a sort of the stuff I brought over to see if anything else can go into storage. I'm gonna sort through the clothes later, because that's a big job. The kitchen stuff I'm practically hugging to my bosom. The only things I've given up so far are a few strainers. YES, I NEED ALL THESE POTS. DO NOT TOUCH MY CAST IRON, MISTER! OR MY DOUGH BUCKETS OR MIXING BOWLS OR OR OR... LOLZ

But I've found my mini-loaf pans. They are so cutesome! Perhaps I shall make mini parker house rolls/loaves and mini monkey breads for vending. Or perhaps not, as my plans are already pretty ambitious and I don't want to overwhelm myself.

OH RIGHT - I AM GONNA START A NEW SOURDOUGH MOTHER. USING MEAD MUST. (Yes, that's a real thing.) It will be Summanulla Sourdough!

And that's the way it is on Arachnid Planet.

This entry was originally posted at http://spiderine.dreamwidth.org/497736.html. There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment there.

baking, summanulla, such a dork, awesome boy is awesome, moving

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