Ever get the feeling something's trying to tell you somebody?

Jun 29, 2011 12:29

It's Kitchen!Fail at the Web Garden!

Yesterday I was getting something out of an extremely piled overhead cupboard and a plate and a bowl slipped out and broke all over the kitchen floor. Fortunately, no casualties except crockery.

Today, evidently I closed the refrigerator door a bit too vehemently and the cubby containing my plastic bread proofing buckets came crashing down to the floor. No casualties except the cubby.

Also, I have a beautiful bronze gargoyle-head wall-mounted bottle opener (a gift from lamia_prime THANK YOU HONEY IT'S MY STILL FAVORITE AND I CALL IT MONGO). I have it mounted over a base cupboard with an empty coffee can underneath to catch beer bottle caps. About a week ago it pulled right out of the wall. No casualties except a couple of holes in the drywall.

I think Grandmother is telling me yes, it's time to get the fuck out of this flat before it comes crashing down around my ears.

This entry was originally posted at http://spiderine.dreamwidth.org/493005.html. There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment there.

web garden, i have no tag for this, shitbears

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