Friendly reminder

Apr 05, 2011 11:01

Just a friendly reminder:

I understand that avoiding spoilers for the new Doctor Who series and the American abomination that is Torchwood is my own responsibility when it comes to other people's LJs and comms and other sites.

However, this is my notice that if, when you communicate with me, if you spoil me IN ANY WAY (email, twitter, facebook, LJ comments on my journal), I will KILL YOU WITH MY BRAIN OVER THE INTERNET.

Bonus!reminder: THIS IS AN ABOMINATION-FREE AMERICAN-TORCHWOOD-FREE ZONE. If you even MENTION it here I will send you down in FLAMES. This is no joke, so please don't "tease" me with it or about it. I'll delete your comment and be VERY angry at you.

This entry was originally posted at There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment there.

doctor who, torchwood, fandom

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