Fandom Random

Sep 12, 2010 10:54

--> PET FIC PEEVE: Stories with huge chunks of itals. Difficult to read, and usually unnecessary. copperbadge knows full well of my ongoing, never-ending war against unnecessary itals.

--> SPEAKING OF: Do I really have to rec the latest in the line of
sam_storyteller 's latest plunge into White Collar fic? Just go to his journal and enjoy. And then you can thank me for beta'ing, in which I CLEAN ALL most of THE ITALICS.

--> ALSO: Happiest of birthdays, thaddeusfavour ! And feel better from your concrud/bronchitis/whatever! May you have many happy and uncongested returns of the day!

--> ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT ALREADY: In my latest gun porn post, I wrote that I couldn't find any photos of Tosh with a gun. Several people rectified this lack. Including neifile7 , who kindly provided me with this photo on her latest post. ARE YOU GUYS HAPPY NOW? EXCELLENT. LEAVE ME BE NOW, OKAY?

This entry was originally posted at There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment there.

happy birthday, recs, gun porn, fandom

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