I exist.

Apr 22, 2010 19:57

Hell. To. The. No.

(Ellipses mine) "Three bisexual softball players are suing the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance after it deemed them not gay enough to play in the Gay World Series and stripped their team of its second place finish...Each of the three plaintiffs was ... asked 'personal and intrusive questions' about his sexual attractions and desires, purportedly to determine if the player was heterosexual or gay, the lawsuit alleges. The alliance has no category or definition for bisexual or transgender people in its rules, the plaintiff's attorney said. At one point during the proceedings, the lawsuit alleges, one of the plaintiffs was told: 'This is the Gay World Series, not the Bisexual World Series.' The alliance ruled the three men were 'nongay,'"

Need I comment on this? Would it matter if I did? Do I exist? Do you?

feminism, gender, get over it, politics

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