(no subject)

Jan 08, 2010 11:45

I'm in a cranky mood at the moment and feel a bit like a hissing cat.

I need to take a shower but I have not. I need to clean the fucking litter box but I have not. I need to ransom my laundry but I have not. I want to set bread but I have not. I want to start knitting again but I have not.

On the other hand, it's not even noon yet, so whatever.

Last night after I went to the shrink --

hmm... that may be why I'm cranky. The crank mood started after I saw my new shrink for my initial interrogation consultation. I always feel cranky after I have to do yet another recitation of my Tale of Woe. So anyway, last night after that I was so cranky that I went and ate sushi, which I really shouldn't have because it was more money than I should have spent. But sometimes one just needs salmon and eel and sake. Especially sake.

I bought a bottle of cheap sake on the way home. I heat it up in the microwave. LOL.
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