Unofficial Torchwood Ultra!Kinkfest Roundup

Aug 18, 2009 12:30

For some unknown reason, the Torchwood segment of my flist has been infected with a viral wave of really kinky fic. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING. LOL.

Since this fest is spontaneous and informal, there isn't one central post where a reader might find easily access these masterpieces of squick. So I'm going to take on the onerous duty of rounding it all up myself. Woe! and Alas!

First of all, it's important to state that this whole thing is cruentum's fault. He started it all with Pizza Mouth (Jack/Ianto, NC-17). This hot little dish set half my flist a-flutter about who finds messy sex squicky and who finds it realistic and who finds it kinky. And that set off a whole discussion about kink and squick and related meta.

I think that the first direct response to our discussion of squick and kink was amand_r's Graduation Day (Jack/John, NC-BILLIONTY). I do know for a fact that she wrote it pretty much on a dare from cruentum (I told you it was his fault!). It contains mentions of pretty much any kink, fetish or squick you can think of, with a special guest appearance by scat. YAH RLY. I'll say it for this fic, and that goes for every fic in this list: don't let the possibility of squick stop you from reading. It's really well written and -- um, dare I say it, "tasteful". LOL! By which I mean it doesn't "wallow" -- oh, forget it. There's no way I can talk about the central image of this story without sounding like I'm making sniggery puns. Let's say that the story really captures the kind of mood of boredom and desperation that could lead a couple of people further and further down the road of excess -- and when you're talking about John Hart and Jack Harkness, it doesn't take much for them to start down that road in the first place.

Then 51stcenturyfox wrote What Time Do You Get Off? (Multiple Torchwood characters, R), in which Jack likes to watch. Everyone. Sooner or later, everyone on the Torchwood Three team needs to sneak somewhere they think is private and rid themselves of some tension; what they forget is that in the Hub, the CCTV sees everything. A very hot piece, with the added spice of photographic illustration.

Then I wrote Dirty Work (John/Martha, NC-SWEETBLOODYHELL!). Enema and age play that implies incest. Enough said. Go there if you can handle it, but I don't blame you one bit if you want to skip it. I don't rec my own stuff, but plenty of people have told me it's good and it handles the subject in a way that allows people who aren't into this kind of stuff to appreciate the underlying relationship.

51stcenturyfox then jumped right back in the deep end of the pool and offered Tell Me (Jack/Ianto, NC-I'LLBEINMYBUNK). To say that the subject of this tale is "dirty talk" understates the impact by orders of magnitude. By the time I finished this blisteringly hot fic I was speechless and practically drooling. YUM.

And now we have a new contender! neifile7 has stepped up and given us Imago (Jack/Ianto, NC-GUH!). Ianto fetishizes the memory of Lisa by recreating Jack in her image. WHOA. "Forced" cross-dressing with robotic overtones, bondage, a bit of knife-and-bloodplay thrown in for garnish. This fic is a scorcher!

That's what's on our perverted playlist at this particular moment in time. Have I missed anything? Let me know and I'll update this post. I know that I'm writing another John/Martha that'll go here, and cruentum has another couple of fics he's working on that are on this theme, including one that... well... let's say I'm anticipating it with both dread and fascination. I can't wait to see what he, ahem, vomits out. Heh.

Remember, one person's squick is another person's kink; one person's fetish is another's WTF? Sexuality is the Big Box of Crayons; let's use some rare colors and draw outside the lines!

recs, torchwood

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