Paging Dr. Freud

Aug 06, 2009 19:44

On the Green line today there was the most drool-worthy Boston skinhead. Meaning, pretty much the same as any generic American skinhead except rather than white-supremacist tattoos, he was covered in Celtic and Catholic symbolism tattoos. If I'd have had half a chance of getting away with it I'd have gone and whispered in his ear, "I'll suck your cock whenever you want to get off the train, no questions asked." Unfortunately, an overweight 45 year old woman does not count as a "cougar". Ah well.

Not long after that, I saw an elder African woman who had magnificently long fingernails the color of ripe mango flesh. I just knew that if I sucked on her fingers I could taste the sweet juice ...

... and then I realized that this was where "seriously needing a cigarette" clanged headlong into "seriously needing to show myself a good time."

I'll be in my bunk.

sex, tmi, this is me not smoking

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