After a SHITLOAD of downloading, uninstalling, reinstalling, moving, tweaking, updating, praying, and sacrificing two white roosters, my laptop -- my REAL laptop -- IS ALIVE!
It's still really old and the hard drive is starting to go, BUT IT'S ALIVE AND I'M POSTING FROM IT RIGHT NOW!
*Spider does Dance of Joy*
I would like once again to express my eternal appreciation to
copperbadge and
luckyckljw for providing me with an alternative laptop during this tedious and agonizing procedure.
Now, the important bit: DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO NEEDS A LAPTOP? I'm not talking about "want". I'm talking about "OMG MY COMPUTER IS DEAD AND I HAVE EXAMS" or something similar. An emergency situation. If you do know of such a person, put them in touch with me, and I'll pass along the Traveling Laptop. This is a pay-it-forward proposition; use it until you no longer need it, then send it to someone who does. I really hope we can create a Fellowship of the Traveling Laptop. I think it would be awesome.
I'm also going to contact Sam and ask him to spread the word in his Cafe.
Anyway, it's good to be back!