Still Reinstalling

May 13, 2009 10:01

Still posting from iPhone. Still working on reinstalling Windows on the zombie laptop. The disks sent me by Clue and Dominus (THANK YOU) are for XP Home, not XP Media Center Edition, but I give not a fig as long as it defibrillates the zombie. Right now it starts, but that's about all. I'm copying all my docs and files onto my portable hard drive (including my resume), and I found some "how to reinstall" instructions on the Web, and and and blah blah blah. When I'm done with blah blah, I have to reinstall a bunch of drivers and all that there.

My iPhone has paid for itself a zillion times over. If I didn't have it I'd be totally cut off from the outside world. Life in the 21st century -- what a blast, huh?

zombie laptop

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