Why do I click? WHY?

Apr 09, 2009 11:59

I am so fucking glad tonight's Supernatural is a rerun. Yesterday evening I made the mistake of clicking a link that had interviews and spoilers and I spent the rest of the evening wibbling and wailing and HATING KRIPKE WITH A PASSION. I was flipping out and dreading the next new episode and wondering if this was where I should stop watching Supernatural -- until about 1 in the morning, when I remembered we're on hiatus (AGAIN) and I don't have to worry about a new ep until the 23rd.

I don't care if this makes me a "rabid fangirl" -- I AM A RABID FANGIRL. I embrace it, I own it, I MADE THIS SHOW AND I'M PROUD OF THAT. And I truly think Kripke is flipping us the bird.

Then I stopped hyperventilating relaxed and chanted my mantra, a.k.a. The Cry of the Fangirl. Say it with me, people:

I REJECT YOUR CANON AND SUBSTITUTE MY OWN. I'm used to this, I'm good at this! I reject all Harry Potter canon that takes place after Order of the Phoenix. I'm an expert at fannish doublethink; I adore Donna Noble, and I even love Martha Jones, as long as she's on Torchwood -- on Doctor Who she was a bit wet, but on TW she rocked. Yet at the same time I'm perfectly able to believe that Rose Tyler and the Tenth Doctor (THE REAL ONE, not Doctor!Lite) are still traipsing through the Vortex and totally in love and living happily ever after.

I may be forced (FORCED, I say! FORCED!) to reject all SPN canon after Dean went to Hell. So many fan-authors have written amazing Sam-saves-Dean fic that I can easily substitute that for anything Kripke throws at us in Season 4. Maybe I'll keep Castiel, if he keeps his hands off Dean (*glares at Castiel menacingly*). I chant "SamnDean, SamnDean, and NOBODY ELSE, 4EVA AND EVA NO MATTER WHAT."

I'll probably watch SPN until the bitter end... if I can. But I'm not looking forward to it.

ETA: HA! One of my previous SPN posts has been quoted on fandom_wank. I don't know whether to be proud or mortified, so I'm choosing proud. *snicker*

(PLEASE NOTE that if I get comments to this they will probably include spoilers. Read at your own risk.)

doctor who, rants, harry potter, fandom, kill 'em all, television, supernatural

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