(no subject)

Apr 06, 2009 11:37

One of the things I would like to do once I get a job and have disposable income is find a fat-friendly erotic photographer.  By that I mean someone who knows enough about lighting and staging to make me look as fabulous as I really am without relying on shadows and drapery to hide or minimize my body.  Don't get me wrong -- there's nothing wrong with artistic erotic use of light/shadow or drapery -- but what I want is someone who is willing and eager to celebrate my body as it is, just as I do.

Based on the photos of me that exist, I can't say I'm naturally photogenic.  Most people think I look better in person than in photos; dunno why, but it probably has something to do with the fact that random snapshots can't capture my unique personality (*snicker*). I do think, however, that with good makeup and lighting, as well as a photographer who knows how to appreciate non-mainstream bodies, the result could totally rock.

I'd like that.  I'd like to have photos of me that I can be proud of and wouldn't mind sharing with people.  Wouldn't it be pretty to think so?

ETA: For example of something that's way cool but still makes me fume, check out this, ganked from wikdsushi, made here. The name is kinda dumb because it's automatically generated, and it was really fun to play with, and I like the result, but...

The "hero factory" has NO option to change the shape of your body. It's "Eliza Dushku wannabe" or nothin', folks. Because gods forbid that a superhero look any other way, right? How much you wanna bet that this "hero factory" was created by fanboys, hmmm?



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