I have queer fingers!

Jul 26, 2008 21:47

I just watched "The Making of Me" with John Barrowman.   His episode was about discovering the "cause" or "source" of male homosexuality.  It was pretty interesting, if not scientifically rigorous.  It certainly had an agenda, but since it was pretty upfront about it, I'm not going to bitch.

The ep explored brain function, genetic markers, prenatal hormone levels and birth order.  Unsurprisingly, the verdict was that a person's sexuality is indeed hardwired and determined before birth.  The idea that certain kinds of brain function are similar in gay men and straight women was interesting, although I have issues with that.  Personally, I'm not fond of the idea that gay men are more "feminine" or lesbian women are more "masculine".  I think that's reductionist.  I also have MAJOR issues with how Barrowman reacted to the "feminine brain" idea:  he said something like, "I hope you're not going to tell me I'm some kind of woman!"  Nice little sexist comment there, Barrowman; your male privilege is showing.  (Just another example of why I'm not into RPF.)

As for a genetic basis for sexuality: if/when they do find a "gay gene," it'll be a double-edged sword, especially if they find it on the X chromosome, which is where this episode says many scientists are looking. Or even if the "more older brothers" theory turns out to be valid. It'll just make it easier for the homophobic nutbags to blame Mom for making their sons gay.  Also, if there is a gay gene, I'll lay money down that those same homophobic nutbags start talking about gene therapy to "cure" gayness, or doing prenatal DNA tests for the gay gene.  Hmmm, I wonder if all those anti-abortion fuckwads will change their tune when they want to start selecting against gay children?

I was disappointed that they didn't explore the father's genetic contribution to sexuality. Why couldn't a gay marker be carried on the Y chromosome?  I'd like to know! I also would have liked more information about same-sex attraction in women, but since the "protagonist" was a gay man, I'm not going to bitch.  Much.  But really, it irks me that so many scientific studies use exclusively male study populations, as if being male were some kind of "default" state and being female sets you apart from the standard.

I do, however, have something of vital import to relate: I have testosterone hands! My ring fingers are significantly longer than my index fingers, which according to the studies corrolates to high pre-natal exposure to testosterone, which may be a precursor to straightness in men and lesbianism in women. My queeritude is once again validated!  Go me!   \0/

sex, gender

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