Not having LiveJournal at work is seriously killing me. I feel so behind on reading what other people have to say, and I also feel like I am denying everyone their usually regular chances to take their voyueristic peeks into my life.
Well at least I am going to attempt to make a grafic design portfolio. Yes, it is true, my loan was actually approved. All I have to do is fax in a few documents to the loan company and they'll send me a check and I can deposit that check into my account and then take that deposited money and apply for the three classes I need to take. Application starts on Monday, and I won't be able to fax anything until monday, hopefully the classes will not be closed out by friday (the consievable time of me getting all the money ready to go). If not, I will be soooo pissed. Unfortunately they are not giving me enough of a loan for me to also buy a new laptop so I can do these projects without my machine freezing on me every five seconds, but oh well, I will just have to make do.
Well it's also Passover, as some of you know, and some of you don't know because you don't pay attention to your jewish friends and think they are just not having sandwiches because they are on Atkins or something. For the first seder I went up to Rockland to eat with some family friends. It was a small seder where the conversation was dominated by politics and American Idol. Then I took the next day off work for Mike and I were hosting our own seder, so I needed the day off to pretty much cook an entire meal. We had about 8 people invited, and three showed up, making for a dinner of five. For the meal, I took a lot of chances on first attempts. What has become a staple of my cooking, the only repeat dish I prepared was Zucchini Kuggel. That seems to get better every time I make it. I also prepared a Brisket, mashed potatoes (from scratch, not powdered potatoes or anything like that), matzoh ball soup, and string beans. WE may ave had only five people, but definately enough food for ten. I was nervous about how everything came out, but everyone seemed to stuff themselves to the gills with food, and the fact that every plate at the table was empty, surely was a good sign that all the food was not only edible, but delicious. It made me want to focus more on my cooking, if I can only find the time and money to do so. Maybe I'll take off as a grafic designer really quickly. That'd be sweet.
Wednesday then marked the premiere of
Stinky Foot. Did you catch it? I hope you did. If not, go do so now. I plan on updating it every monday and wednesday. We'll see how that holds up, or if I decide to make it more often. Maybe if I had a better computer, I would be more apt to work on things. Maybe I can ask for an increase in my loan.
Last night I went with Dave Brooke and Dave W. to see "Grindhouse" and man was it totally work my $10.50. Two movies, and a bunch of extra entertainment. Of the two directors, I still feel that Rodriguez really knew what he was doing when he sent out to make a puposefully campy movie. Tarantino seemed to make a Tarantino film, and then said "oh yeah, this is supposed to be campy, I'll fix that in post". Basically his biggest problem was filling the movie with his trade-mark talking. So much dialouge that it actually started to drag, but still left me wanting to buy the DVD to see what I am missing. The fake trailers also seemed like crappy movies I would actually want to see in "Grindhouse 2" if they actually make this the series that they set out to do. If you want to see some entertaining, gross-out, booby filled, b-style fun, then go see this movie. If you think about it, it's like you are getting two movies at half price.
Then of course, during all this I actually managed to be fighting off a cold. It got so bad on Thursday that I left work early and cut out on Friday. So now I have a three day weekend. Tonight there is a camp party, just as I am feeling better. Lets see how drunk I get as I send myself back into sickness. Clearly I don't have any problems.