Oct 20, 2006 14:59
How is everybody doing? I ask this because I am finding out more and more every day that I have readers of my journal whom I have never met in my life, and i find that incredibly cool. Apparently my life is that interesting, or my writing is that entertaining that complete strangers make an effort to read my journal whenever possible, and sometimes even contact me and tell me so. Like one reader who lives in Astoria and directed me to an Astoria message board which has events, business directories, and even shop and restaurant reviews writen by other people who live in and/or used to live in Astoria. I also have the same thing goin on with C-M University, which is just so cool. All of it is just a complete ego boost and helps move me steps closer to my G-d like status. Now if only I could get more people to use Joshspeak in their day-to-day lives.
My emo-monkeys and do-monkeys are also a huge hit around my office. People are constantly asking me for one drawn just for them, because there were a couple I drew which I didn't like, so I never finished, and people in the office wanted them, so I signed and dated them, and now they are hanging around on those people's desks. Other people see them, get jelous and ask me for one. It's cool to be an "artist" in demand, but it gets kind of annoying. The monkey's were just a fun project, that's all. Maybe one day t-shirts, but that's as far as I'd take them.
My new iPod is fun as hell. I am loving the shit out of it, but metaphorically and physically, although ever since I transfered all my information to my new harddrive, I have been spending every eveneing staying up and just re-doing my lists and getting more music, which just slows down the list making process even more. I need to finish the lists before I move onto the new stuff. My friends don't seem to understand my playlists, or why I need to spend so much time doing them, but think about it. How often do I want to listen to a full album all the way through. I am a man of variety, of choices. I like to be able to listen to a select group of music, which I have assigned to a category based on certain chriterium which the iTunes smart lists can't do for me. If only I could make a smart list that reads my mind and makes a list exactly how I want it (for example a list made up of all the songs I have that were songs used in Camp Special evets such as color war, cup, etc.). Of course if iTunes could read all my thoughts, what would stop it from just buying songs I would want, running up my bill to outrageous heights. Apple would love that, making me homeless for the sake of my iPod, because I'll give up the apartment before the iPod (now that is, ask me like in three years, and I am sure my answer will be different).
I hear a firetruck outside. There must be a fire, because people rarely use the department to save kittens from trees in this city.
Ok, well I guess there are things I could be doing now.
Today's Entry:
Valen (pronounced vay-len) - attractive, asthetically pleasing
"Oh man, those girls are so valen that it's making me woozy and a little slofa."
how are you doing,
c-m u,
interesting facts