Aug 10, 2006 12:14
Why, in the name of all things good and holy, is there some much judgeyness in today’s world?
I am just absolutely sick of it.
These days, it’s all about being popular, wearing fashionable clothes and hanging round with the “cool” kids, otherwise you are considered and treated like dirt. If your shirt doesn’t match your pants, or your shoes, or whatever then that’s it. You are so un-cool and I hate you and I am going to intimidate you about what you wear for the rest of however long I will know you.
Why do people do this? Can’t you judge others by their personality, and not by how they are dressed or how popular they are?
And it’s not just fashion status. That was just an example. There is so many other ways that people judge others. Whether it be religion, skin colour, sexual preference, country, size, weight, intelligence, even hair colour! (I’ve known many red-heads who are being intimidated and teased by others.)
Racism is of course finally starting to die down; it is so not as bad as it used to be back when blacks were used as slaves and treated awfully, although there are still plenty of racists around us in this world and thriving.
But there is one judge-and-hate group which will not die down; but in fact just keeps growing and growing. Homophobes, of course. If you’re not heterosexual (or straight for people who are stupid and can’t be bothered to look it up in a dictionary) then you are going down. It’s not about personality, oh no, that’s not important, it’s about sexual preference. It doesn’t matter if you are the nicest gay in the world who likes everybody, I still hate you.
Can you spot the homophobe in this normal everyday conversation?:
Person 1: Hey, it's ! S/he's cool.
Person 2: How can you say that? S/he’s a homo!
Person 1: So?
Person 2: S/he’s not like us, s/he’s different! S/he’s gay! S/he’s a waste of humanity!
Person 1: But s/he’s cool. Are you homophobic or something?
Person 2: Dude, you are fucked up. You’re one of them.
And just because you are not homophobic does not mean you are gay, it’s just that people like person 2 just need to get a life.
What I am trying to get across here is that people who judge others because of a certain factor about them really need to get a life and can’t even defend their point of view with good reasons for it, because their view is fucking rubbish. Their answer every time is “because they’re black!” or “because they’re gay!” or whatever else and it is not a proper answer. The shameful thing is that they are entitled to express their point of view, no matter how harsh it is, just as much as I am, so there will continue to be judging as long as we all live.
So please people, try to get to know these people before you judge them, because they’re bound to be very nice people!
Just remember:
“Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!”