*appears in a puff of rose-scented smoke*

Feb 23, 2007 16:37

I haven't posted to my LJ in what seems like such a looooooong time. I suppose I should post more often to help stop people from thinking I've died. But I haven't. I'm still here. I've just been resting. And neglecting my f-list at the same time. I'm going to try and catch up this afternoon. Deal?

I'll take that as a yes.

Anyway, here's some random stuff about what's been going on in my life:

+ Valentine's Day wasn't anything interesting. Never is. To me it's just an excuse for the marketing world to successfully improve their sales by getting suckers to buy mushy pink stuff for their partners to show their love to each other. Just like people use St. Patrick's Day as an excuse to drink. But that's just my opinion; if you don't agree then just ignore me.  :)

+ My PCD (post-christmas depression) began to improve around the start of February, and now I'm feeling a lot better. Yes, it really does take that long for me. Unfortunately, it doesn't help that the movie channels still persist on showing Christmas movies even though almost two solid months have passed, making me feel sad again.

+ Britney Spears is only doing it all for attention. And you know it.

+ FWEE!! My copy of Godzilla vs. Mothra arrived in the mail last week! It seems like such a long time since I last saw it! Unfortunately, my order came from overseas on Amazon so had to fight tooth-and-nail to actually get inside the DVD case. Is that what what all DVDs are like in the U.S? That's why I try to keep my orders local as much as I can. Anyway, the movie was great.

+ Blood Tea and Red String was an amazing movie. It's now officially in my favourites.

I think that's it. I hope you all have a good weekend!  =)
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