May 16, 2009 19:48
This was a bad idea.
Of all the bad ideas he'd had recently, Reilly knew this was -- okay, not the worst. Still, it was in the top ten somewhere. Agreeing to meet the creep who'd stalked him back to his office (even if Saberclaw had a good reason) again? Still considering letting the guy mentor his still criminally-inclined client? Agreeing to let him back in his office? Ugh. He was sure he was going to regret it.
But if he couldn't talk Aftershock out of a life of crime, maybe this guy could... assuming he had the courtesy to use the door this time.
Not that Reilly was one to talk.
char: darkdevil/reilly tyne,
char: aftershock/allison dillon,
char: saberclaw/hudson logan