Can You Paint With All The Colors Of The Wind?

Aug 28, 2006 23:50

So I've been more productive in the past week (well three days worth of classes really) of school that I think I've ever been in my entire academic career. Why, I ask myself, is this the case? No clue, but damn I should stop being so freaking productive. :) No really, I'm finally learning how to study in the most time efficient manner and that makes me happy. It has only taken three years worth of college (well more like two, since I am in my third year) to sink the habit into my small brain. So this entry is more of an update and a brief reprieve from writing my one page paper on Gandhi and his influences both on British society in India and on the India independence movement. So far classes are going wonderfully, I have lots of reading but the lectures (and the readings) have been really interesting so far. My Public Policy class is probably going to be my most useful class since it deals directly with what I'd like to do (law). I've learned just how much public policy actually incompasses daily life and how many things in our daily lives are the effects of a variety of forms of public policy (and this is only Day 2 of class...holy shit). My Amazonian Peoples class and Language & Prehistory class are also both really interesting, those less applicable to the study of law and more to just the general study of culture, both our own (i.e. general US culture) and cultures of other peoples and nations. My theory class is well, theory based and I've yet to have my class on the Politics of India, Pakistan & Afghanistan (the class my Gandhi paper is for...suprise). So that is the academic update.

Non-academically speaking, I'm attending a conference at VCU in September for VOX: Voices for Planned Parenthood which should be awesome. I am planning my education segment for the meeting tomorrow which deals with Plan B being offered as an OTC. If you don't know, Plan B is a form of emergency contraceptive (EC) that works up to 72 hours after unprotected sex to prevent pregancy. It is essentially a high dose of birth control that prevents any implantation from occuring should fertilization have already occured. The FDA just recently allowed it to be sold as an over-the-counter medication that, like some cold medicine, will be kept behind the counter until proof of age (18+) is shown, and then it will be sold without a prescription. This is an amazing improvement because before this federal mandate only 8 states had allowed the sale of Plan B as an OTC. So I'm doing a happy dance of pro-choice advocacy. Okay thats my Planned Parenthood plug for the week. :)

Thats about it, I'm back to paper writing and doing reading.

Love you all!
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