gyahhhhh. . . (more ranting, but funny ranting)

Dec 21, 2005 22:49

Ok this is cosplay relevant but non-cosplayers might be able to help too. After A LOT of research and crying after too much time at the computer, I have at least figured out how I want to do the automail. *cries* my eyes hurt. . . but I am happy for that factor lol. I feel accomplished. . . errr felt accomplished, until I realized something. My grand scheme can't really work if I don't know what in blazes I need to buy lol. Specifically I need ideas for flexi, moldible plastics. Did that make any sense? Asked a few people who build things like that for a living. . . yeah that was not very helpful. Anyone know what the plastic is that is used in the phony, non whale bone boning for corsets? I was thinking that would be good. . . dunno where the heck I would buy some lol, but I am sure I could find it. Or the plastics used in like, the innner linings of shinguards and such. Or anything at all like that. *shudders at the thought of search engine diving again* I need to hire a secretary. but, like, a secretary that I don't have to pay. . . at all. lol. And I have looked at the competition for Edwards and feel vastly accomplished that I will be waiting and using my own hair, even though I am dying to hack it off RIGHT NOW. Seriously, I hate it. But it will be amusing to see me as a yellowish blonde at least. I have boots, I have pants, the hoodie will hopefully be achieved once I get a new job. . . black t-shirt is easy to acquire. Only thing I have left to worry about really is the little black mini-jacket thingy he wears. I'm not horribly worried about that though. that shouldn't be too hard to make, its just matching the fabric to the pants that will be a pain in the butt.

P.S. Sair, I was digging on Ebay and found something for you but then the doggone person got booted so the item is gone, but at least I know that it may possibly exist and can try to find you more. . . Someone was selling a pattern for the Shinigami (sp? I dunno I don't read it lol) from Bleach. I couldn't remember who it was you wanted to do though.
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