Mar 30, 2006 09:00
I haven't been here for a while. I haven't really been talking to flesh and blood friends either. Sometimes I just need to figure out what I need to do without people telling me what to do. Too many people like to tell me what to do....
I took vacation time last week and hid at my parents house which was actually a crummy idea. My Dad wwouldn't leave me alone. Strangely, my sister-in-law proved to be the best person to talk to about everything. I came back Sat. and John and I went on an actual date. We even had a good time together.
So I'm thinking about what I need to do;what John and I need to do and trying to keep my head straight.
Today it is to be 70 degrees. No one wants to be at work. It is the end of the month, so everyone here is busy. John was hoping to get out of work in time to ride the motorcycle for a while. If nothing else, we will sit outside and have a couple of beers this evening.
There are plenty of seedlings in the bio-chamber and I will be putting in more in the next few days. Daffodils are blooming outside with the remaining crocus.
Friday night I am going to see John's band play and Sat. we are cooking out on the grill and working in the yard.
I guess that my files will be ready soon, so I have to work now.