Jan 30, 2005 00:44
Just got home after having a great night out, and just a pretty damn good day in general. I stole a joystick from a broken game at Sports Plus, perhaps I will use it in an art project. I went to a Lauren's Bat Mitzvah today. It was soo much fun because I actually danced, a lot. I WAS the dancing king/fool of the party. Dancing is a lot of fucking fun, I'm just sorry that it took me so damn long to realize. Anyway, after the party I went home, changed out of my snazzy green suit, and dressed up for a night on the town. I drove to Sports Plus and met up with the guys. It was Paul's birthday, so we all got him random stuff and I paid for his dinner. After I played Turtles in Time with Sean for a while and offered to be Anne Marie's Jurassic Park buddy, we left Sports Plus and headed for White Castle. The food there is amazing despite what other people may think. From there we went to Dunkin Donuts to say hi to Mike and then eventually drove all the way to Plainview. It was aggravating and annoying at times while trying to talk to Anne Marie, mainly because of some reason that I don't know or she just hated me. Anyway, Chiam helped me to get back to Jericho Turnpike while Jon threw stuff at my car while I was driving. That was fun.
Also a few days ago the United States Marine Corps called me up because apparently I had requested information about attending one of their academies. They guy asked me some random questions to make it seem like he cared about my future while trying to make the Marines seem like a necessary activity as a future career. It was all a load of shit. Neesless to say, I won't be considering enlisting in the Marines because I have already been accepting to some pretty good schools already. Binghamton and StonyBrook have accepted me to their fine schools but I am still waiting to hear back from Vassar and Lehigh. If Vassar accepts me, then I have to go their because early decision is a binding contract.
I'm sad to say that my 5-day-vacation has finally come to a close, but it has been one of the greatest times off from school in my life. It was just one really long weekend that give me the best times ever. I miss you, vacation. And I miss you, Jennie. However, I will be able to spend time with my girlfriend tomorrow at Hebrew High, which will be awesome. So, good night everybody. Remember to enjoy life and shibby often.