Science! (and other interesting links!)

Mar 12, 2009 05:34

Most important is probably several researchers discovering a means of cheaply(er) and simply(er) synthesizing peptides, and deciding not to patent it but make it more open source. If you're not a biochem geek, this is very funky and excellent for further research.

A way of artificially creating human bones using a 3D printer, which can then be implanted into a body and mature into living human bone tissue.

An interesting data mining tool which seems to be seeking not links, but the answers to questions - of course I have no idea if it'll actually work, but it's definately fascinating.

On the further borders of MMI, a man who was missing an eye has had his artificial eye replaced with one which contains a video camera to transmit information to an external source. Which raises some privacy, and security issues. This isn't a camera that's directly linked to the optic nerve (those are still in the very basic stages, but are advancing rapidly), but one which records information.

The slightly alarmist step by step guide to destroying the world with Nanotechnology:

image Click to view

Mmm, grey goo.

When in doubt for crazy science, there's always Mind Control. It doesn't mention the Cyranoid effect, which is also interesting.

Luckily someone has already created warning signs for the future which are not only useful, but pretty.

In less techy links:
Regrettably the plans to suspend a geostationary banana over texas fell down in the last stages. Still, it's cool.
Regrettably I do not own a copy of Girraffe? Girraffe!
Finally, The True stories behind 5 famous images.
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