So I'm back

Aug 24, 2008 07:24

Well, a bit earlier than this, but I've done the basic unpacking. I thought of napping until a bit later in the day, but there are no blankets on my bed - which I'll have to ask housemates about. Still, I'm curled up in my room again and I have a flavoured milk drink (which were impossible to find overseas) so everything is fine.

If you sent me a SMS or tried to ring, I didn't get it - probably something to do with taking my phone overseas.

If you've posted something on your livejournal (or something has happened in world politics you think I should know about - I was really quite disconnected) then please leave a note here (or send one privately, I guess). I won't be reading backwards on livejournal any further than this message.

Possibly there might be a more interesting message later.
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