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Jun 14, 2004 13:29

bah. i miss xela. im in flores now and it is so fucking hot, like the kind of hot where you want to just lounge around in your underwear and eat ice cubes. i think the drastic change in weather is making me sick. i wish i could just find a nice temperate place to be for the last leg of this trip. im so close to mexico now, and it kinda looks like what i imagine mexico to look like, with dusty roads, men in cowboy hats, everyones a little cranky and mopping the sweat from their foreheads with big colorful sweat rags.

what i miss more than the weather in xela (which i dont really miss, to be honest) is all the people. i said goodbye to everyone the other day. we celebrated in style by going out to this bar and playing pool (well, other people played pool, and i kinda made a fool of myself) and listened to live music and watched fire dancers. thats right. fire dancers. and i kinda danced around with the fire dancers, barefoot and black orpheus style with all the drums and fun beats. konji made me and christoff curry for dinner, too, which was really amazing, and we had lots of fun talks about how its awkward for the korean girls to see people making out all the time in public places in central america, and christoff and i talked about san pedro. it turns out the two of us have been in the past 3 cities at the same time, even in the same places on the same days, but didnt meet until quetzaltenango. pretty crazy. he was in freedom bar the same night i got stuck talking to this really intense guy from canada about the mayan calendar for like 2 hours, and didnt even notice that a fight almost broke out, like 5 feet in front of me. turns out christoff was part of the fight, etc. it was really fun to talk to him about san pedro, though. i think you have to go there to fully understand just how strange this place was. konji left the same day i did and was headed to the lake, so we were busy telling her all about what to expect: like the ¨hay pan¨ girls, joe volcano with the scary anarchy tattoo that used to be a swastika, the dog with the giant head that looks like the dragon from the never ending story, and the teepees you can rent at casa elena...

i coudlnt get to flores all in one day, so i spent last night in fray bartolome, this little tiny town in the middle of nowhere where everyone called me gringa as they road past me on their bikes. i was feeling especially lonely last night. i went from sharing a room with 34 other people to no one, and so i tried to befriend the little girls who lived at the hotel by buying them cookies at the bakery, which didnt work. they ate them and ran back into their rooms to watch some show about jesus.

i see meghan on friday. please dear god lets hope belize is not this hot. oh, only less than two weeks, friends.
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