So the past couple of weeks have been great. Liberating for me, I think.
On Easter Chad went to jail. There's the cop car driving him away.
On a funnier note, a man honked at me at a red light on Colonial, exactly when the light turned green. So being me, I drive like 30 mph next to a truck so he can't pass me. He got sooooo mad and was honking and all sorts of on my ass. I thought it was hilarious. Being the person Jeff is, he picks up all the trash from our recent trip to Burger King and throws it out the window at him (I told him not to, but he did it anyway) the guy is furious now. So when the road widens back to 3 lanes on Lee, he unrolls his window to yell at us. So Jeff rolls his window down, too, and the stranger rolls his back up before we stop at the red light (not one word exchanged). Jeff still insists on antagonizing him and asks him if he has a light for his cigarette and the guy mouths that he's an asshole with his window up. Jeff and I laughs at him. He gets more mad and rolls his window down to yell, but doesn't, and rolls it right back up. We laugh more. He gives up the finger, and so I try to take a picture of him giving us the bird, and he realizes what I'm doing gets this horified look and tries to cover his face. His picture follows the picture of the Sheriff's cruiser.
The rest of the pictures are either of me, Michelle, and Shane fucking around in Walgreens or pretty self explanitory.
Oh, and someone should obviously teach me how to resize images...