getting closer to reaching my goal...

Sep 17, 2004 15:11

Today i offically hit my 30 pound mark since high school's graduation. I mean... right after graudation I lost like 35-ish pounds doing that Atkins Diet. Then I realized that wasn't a realstic diet and would probably give me a heart attack by the time i'm 26. Not to mention the fact that all you eat is red meat... and thats one of the few foods I really dislike. So yeah, when I got off that diet, I gained back all but like 8 pounds.

Then this summer Emily and I forced each other to work out. :) It turned out that that was the reason I got through the summer. With the love of your life like 9 hours away... and you dont get to see him for 3 months. not one time in 3 months... i thought it was going to be the summer from H-E-double-hockey-sticks. Ew, plus i was working about 70 to 80 hours a week. Anyway, working out with Em gave me something to look forward to everyday. It was awesome... working out with her made me more energized, happier, and less stressed. Plus, I swear she understands me on every single level... which is hard to do (for someone as complex as I...thanks Justin).

But yeah, today, i realized that I offically hit my-minus-30-pounds since high school mark. It's a pretty good feeling. Now, I just have to keep it up :) Which is why I'm heading to Ping every day :) (well almost)

hahah I even got some pictures of when I was in my senior year of high school (when i weighed my most) and put them on the fridge to remind me to be good and eat right :)

hits helped not having a meal plan this year, because if i dont have a meal plan, i wont eat the dining hall's cookies and fried everything. yuck. Now, I just don't buy junk. if it's not in my room, I can't eat it. :)

Just to clarify... i'm not self concious about myself in any way... my goal is simply to feel good about myself, reduce my stress level, and be healthy... and i'm getting closer to reaching that goal :)
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