All cats go to heaven

Apr 05, 2005 18:45

Whew. Long afternoon.

I just got back from the vet... god. You shoulda seen me... my mom thought I was on drugs I was so jittery.

So its gorgeous outside and Simon is driving me home and as we pull up Chapel Road we see a cat lying on its side in the middle of the road. I shrieked for him to stop the car and I jumped out and ran to it. It was the orange calico I saw yesterday limping along the same road. But yesterday when I tried to approach the cat to see if it was okay, it hobbled off. Now it was apparently lying dead in the road. Not moving. Or breathing. I was devestated.

I ran over to the cat and gently picked it up to move it out of the road. Cause I couldn't just LEAVE the poor thing in the middle of the road to be run over. I would never be able to live with myself. Anyways... when I picked the cat up... it made a noise... and scared the crap outta me. Cause I thought it was dead. It jumped outta my arms and weakly meowed. The poor thing couldn't breathe. It soundn't like it had asthma or something. It was hardly standing so I picked it up and walked back to the car. Simon, being the sweetheart he is, let me put the cat in his car so I could take it home. Thank you again, Simon.

My mom came home seconds later and saw me outside holding the cat. The poor thing was missing an ear, covered in bugs and twigs, and thin as a freaking rail. It also had one brown eye and one green. She flipped cause she had seen the cat lying in the road earlier in the day and thought it was dead also. So we jumped in the car to take it to the vet.

The vet said she (it was a girl) was severly dehydrated, starving, had upper respitory infection, and feline lukimeia AND aids. *is devestated* So they are gonna have to put her to sleep. God... I'm so upset. They said she is really old and is having kidney failure. *sighs* The poor dear. God... I wish I coulda helped her more. But the vet said she was dying and the best thing for her is to put her down. Well... at least she's comfortable and not out in the woods where some fox would get her.

God... this is really depressing. The poor dear. Ugh. I was praying so bad that she'd be okay.
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