(no subject)

Jul 25, 2009 07:18


From Sunday through...really Wednesday night I had a nasty brawl with some disease.  I don't even remember getting hit with a packet, or healing a scavanger either.  Strange.  Anyway, I woke up in the middle of the night freezing, unable to control my shivering, achey, feverish - yeah all the good stuff.  I called in to work, took aspirin throughout the day, and felt better.  Next night, same thing.  And again on Wednesday.  When I finally went to the doctor.  Not my doctor, mind you, which is a whole seperate thing and will be addressed later, but an urgent care center.  They did their thing and said, 'Ah!  Bacterial Bronchities!  Here, antibiotics, cough syrup with codeine, sleep, and fluids!  Off you go!'  And bless those kind people and their freebie antibiotics because I honestly don't think I could have kicked this on my own.  Still coughing a little, but I think I'm back to normal-ish.

Which means I'm going around to clean the house later today.  It's amazing how quickly it gets into disarray when you're not doing the little day-to-day stuff that keeps it at least tidy.  A load of laundry here, sweeping the floor there, a quick load of dishes, etc.  But I tackled the computer room last night because it had just gone to pot and I couldn't stand it anymore.  Now it's pretty clean, with a few odds and ends to deal with.  I need to clean the magic room, the bathrooms, sweep and mop the hard floors, vaccum the carpets.  I also want to bake some dog biscuts and maybe make some bath salts today.  Besides all that Schoen and I are going shooting (bows, not guns) after he gets off work with some friends, then we have to go by Lowe's for some dirt and a filter.  Full day, yo.  But before all that we're off to the farmer's market.  Woot.  Woot indeed.

The Anthem vs Norton fisaco is these two parties Anthem (my crappy insurance company) and Norton (money-grubbing bastards who just happen to house my primary care doc AND my obgyn in their facility) were unable to come to terms on their contracted prices for medical expendatures (office visits, blood work, MRIs, flu vaccinations, you know, all that stuff).  So now Norton is not in-contract with Anthem, which means they're out of network.  Fuckin great.  Because you two money-hungry bastards can't agree on a reasonable payment for OUR healthcare, we're suffering?  I really didn't think it would affect me since I rarely go to the doctor, and I'm not on any perscription meds, but once I got sick I couldn't go see Dr. Swift.  Fuck that.  Fuck that sideways with sandpaper.  They'll both be getting a nasty letter from me. 
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