Heroes Episode 2.2

Oct 01, 2007 19:01

OMG FLAILS OVER PETER! And uh...eww...

Claire is the Lizard Queen!
Dude, she was so funny in Class talking and then the teacher going, "raise your hand, Claire." I'm more like her than I thought cause I do that all the time just like that...only it's about history or English and not Lizards.
And also, HER CAR! OMG! That's like my worst fear is going back to my car after school to find that its gone. 
Oh Claire. 
And then she cut off her toe! EWW! I was already grabbing it. Ewwwwww. And then it grew back! And then West was at the window!
Stalker! Who had big eyes. Lol.

Hiro and the 17th Century drunk Indiana Jones
So Hiro was adorable as the Hero. Ha-ha-ha! 
Kensai was hilarious. "You look like a fish when you talk." He does! 
Oh and the drinking! Love it! :D It's wrong, but I have a thing for blokes who are the funny drunk. Like Gene Hunt. Ooo, that would be fantastic if he came to guest spot on heroes! 
I knew Kensai could heal. Mawahaha.

First off, Peter bound and wet and bloody = Myself squeeing and staring.
Peter talking about his powers and then healing = Myself going, "YES!"
Peter using his powers to save the Irish chick while wearing a fannel shirt and then winking at her after totally Sylaring those Mobster's asses = OMG THAT WAS THE HOTTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE AHH!!! 
Seriously, I was so giddy and my legs went weak. I almost fainted, no joke.
And it totally made my day. Seriously, I had a seriously awful afternoon and then, "BAM!" I'm all better. I love Peter Petrelli.
Oh and Peter wearing that shirt was very Winchestery/Jess Marinoy so I was squeeing for that as well. 
The weird thing is though, it didn't look right on Peter. Peter is supposed to dress a certain way and when he doesn't, it just doesn't feel right. This is kinda how you can see that he's not Peter at the moment.

Mohinder, the sexy traveling Professor.
Did you see his shirt in Haiti! HOT!
And I knew it was the Haitian. 
The company is playing right into Mr Bennet's not so even trap. Mwahaha!

Mr Bennet the Copy Kingdom King!
He and Mrs Bennet, AWW!
Then he and the Haitian...AWW! They're sleeping together. Did you see that smile?
I like his evil trap.

Matt Parkman, the interegator for you and Mrs Petrelli
He was so cute up on the roof with Ando. 
Then intergating Mrs P. Ooo, when he said, "Revenge" it was awesome!
Then that bit with the yelling in the head...AHH! Scary! 
And the symbol is on Petrelli Law Firm!? WHA!? Is that why Peter drew that symbol in the 2nd episode of last year? 
Then the beard showed up and was all about to go off and Dr Jack Angst when the lights went out and wait...what happened?
Awww, Nathan still loves his mommy though. And Matt was bitchin' throwin' that chair into the window and then ran in. 
*Has Alias Flashbacks*

The Twins in South America who can bloody mary your ass
Dude, creepy...
That's all I have to say. 
What excatly are those powers good for? What would happen to Peter if he got those? OMG! What if he kills Nathan!


Seriously though, "THE BOX!?" Are you fucking kidding me? You have to be joking...I mean, that can't be serious? Can it? WHAT?

Peter is going to help with a bank robbery and be totally and completely made of awesome! (And he'll wear Jess' jacket)

Claire and West are going to fly to the top of her house and there will be love making. Sexy, Lizard/Bird-esque love making.

Nathan will shave to protect his mother. Why? Because the beard has a life of it's own and it will guard the door.

Kensai and Hiro will save the day many-a-time with Sake and swagger and Superpowers. They will cross paths with Indiana Jones who just happened to cross paths with Marty McFly and Doc and stole the time machine to find the Kensai sword to sell back in the 1930s and become rich. Hiro will once again gawk and say, "Not my other hero! What's next! Luke Skywalker!" and then Luke and Leia will show up making out and everyone will stare until Luke says, "So what? It's ok for Peter and Nathan to have sex with each other but not us?" Then Kensai will say something like, "That's how they do it in Singapore!" and everyone will laugh, including the horse until Hiro says, "And that's something Jack Sparrow said!" And then Jack will show up and say, "Well, it's true."

Mmm. Rum.
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