Start afresh, Something new.

Feb 10, 2009 19:59

Ok to start I'll introduce myself my name is Pidgeon my birth name or "christian" name if you will is Jessica but i refrain from using it because it's not really my thing. My mum told me she nearly called me Scarlet or Ruby I love Scarlet so I'm pretty bummed that I missed out on such a good name. I'm in no way religious I admit I've prayed before but only when I'm in need my only religion is my music and I'm dedicated to it. I can't play any instruments I have a guitar but I've never got round to learning, lessons cost to much. I play a little keyboard not really that good.

I really love music my favourite band is Panic At The Disco their music really inspires me I find it hard to believe that anyone could come up with such beautiful and insightful lyrics. Ryan truly is a genius and I smiled so hard the first time I heard Folkin' Around and I Have Friends In Holy Spaces my first thoughts were wow Brendon's got a great mind. Jon's bass skills are top knotch and I am so amazed that he wrote Northern Downpour's melody. Spencer is an amazing drummer sometimes I just really listen to a track and his talents just blow my face off.

Scrubs is my favourite program and my favourite character is The Janitor his story lines are so funny and everytime he tries to hurt J.D it's just a big old laugh party at my house. My favourite movie is Aladdin everytime I see it it makes me smile so hard it's just a brilliant disney film. I tend to stay to the disney side of things but my adult film is Ladder 49 films can never make me cry but this one did I watched it and I bawled. Throughly one of the best films I have ever seen may I thank Joaquin Phoenix for being such a great actor.

I'm over and out.

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