Nov 27, 2007 15:13
uhh - gotta car. that i'm in the process of learning to drive [i'll hook you up with that ride!]. stick shift is a headache and a half, i was at the top of a little hill, and stalled and died about 3 times in a row, about 3 cars drove around me, with at least, 20 - 30 sec. in between. which was embarassing, hella honking. i need to stop fucking off my money too, btw. it's ridiculous, it's like - oh, hey, it's payday. then, oh, hey, it's monday, w/ 70 bucks left with no idea where it all went. eating out hella much is what drops the dough i think [and i'm not talking about that ]. especially paid weekends, i need to stop handing out money, and offering to spot people for shit when they ask. but the olde guilty conscious kicks in, i suppose.
there's a potluck here at work on thursday - but since ahaha i have no kitchen or nothin, i can't 'prepare' anything beforehand ahaha i wrote down that i'm bringing loaves of french bread or some other type of bread ahaha, how embarrassing. then there's a christmas dinner, sometime hopefully before i leave, so that i can grab that ill bonus before i depart for the eeeeast, where i'll be spending my christmas. ahaha, speaking of christmas. i bought a tree, for like 1.98$, it's about a foot tall. plastic. but i did it up hella nicely with some lights and a little tree topper/antenna topper. aaand my brother and his ladybird shut my tree down, with his MASSIVE 3ft tree, complete with moving lights/fading lights/blinking lights/stand still lights [all on one light, string, line...thing] it looks dead on, like the standard tree decoration we have in nj. it's ridiculous. it's nice to look at. those jerks. my tree is still good. naah. actually. yah.
i gotta look for christmas presents for the family. it's tough. rough lifestyle. i dunno what to get anybody.